The inspiring battle between good and evil continues in the captivating story of Akıncı, a Turkish superhero who tirelessly fights for justice and order. As a proud member of the Akıncı tradition, Akıncı draws his strength and bravery from the crescent on his chest. His mission is to protect the universe from the harmful and chaotic Chain legacy, which has a strong presence in various fields including media, biochemistry, finance, guns, and informatics. However, Akıncı is not alone in his quest. He is a masterful tech genius who creates his own equipment and vehicles, in addition to being the last representative of an ancient tradition. His vehicles are named Miraş, Puyan, and Mercan, which are inspired by Turkish culture. His wrists are adorned with crossbows, his waist with crescent stars, and his back carries a technological stick. With these weapons and his unwavering determination, Akıncı is unstoppable in his fight for justice!